bootstrap collapsible

Create Responsive Theme For WordPress With Twenty Ten

In order for the blogs or website to be popular, they must be mobile friendly since mobile devices are on the rise. I’m sure there are many efficient themes for WordPress that support mobile devices, but I like to create a simple one for my blogs using Twenty Ten WordPress theme. This is how I, lightGallery and Fotorama in Bootstrap Collapsible

[galleria] Embed Galleries inside Bootstrap Collapsible. is responsive across desktop, tablets, smartphones, iPhones, iPads with lightbox option, fullscreen with doubletap. Can display multiple galleries on the same page.  [galleria_div]    [/galleria_div] Second gallery    [galleria_end] : Next

How To Embed Shortcodes inside a Shortcode

I created a shortcode for Bootstrap Collapsible, I placed a shortcode inside it like fotorama plugin and fotorama didn’t work. I Googled the problem and I found the fix on WP website. In order for a shortcode to output another shortcode, you need to use ‘do_shortcode($content)’ instead of just ‘$content’ as a content inside the

jQuery lightGallery

[lightgallery] Sometimes I want to embed a gallery inside a bootstrap collapsible paragraph, but Fotorama doesn’t work inside bootstrap collapsible shortcodes. I stumbled into this great jQuery lightGallery and I manage to get it to work inside the bootstrap collapsible shortcodes. To extensively use this lightGallery, you do need support from the owner. I just

Shortcodes For Boostrap Collapsible

  [bs] I like to use Bootstrap for my blogs, so I created a few shortcodes for collapsible and link buttons when I need to use them. [mybs data=”1″ title=”this is title1″]1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,[/mybs] [mybs data=”2″ title=”this is title2″]2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,[/mybs] [mybs data=”3″