
shadowbox 3.0.3 in WordPress 3.2.1

Working With Z-Index In CSS

In CSS, z-index is the order of appearance of one layer over the other, the higher the z-index the higher priority of the layer above the lower z-index displays. For example, on my theme, I made header to be fixed with z-index:9999 and my shadowbox overlay z-index:999 . So, on a small display like 1024×768,

FancyBox 2

[fancybox2] Now FancyBox v2.1.5 is out, I’m experimenting, to me the old 1.3.4 is working quite well, the only thing I like about this FancyBox is the full size image display with the helpers.js which is great. The buttons for gallery are very useful and jquery is the best for all users platforms.

All Pop Ups On A Page

There are many pop-ups (modals) software out there to make the page display pictures and other stuff looks beter. These are some of the ones I like. [shadowbox] ShadowBox PrettyPhoto FancyBox 2 Mediabox Advanced ImagePreview Used together with Mediabox Advanced <p style=”text-align: center;”><a title=”imagepreview” href=”/media/91alfaspider/91alfa0.jpg” rel=”lightbox”><img style=”vertical-align: baseline; border: 3px solid black;” title=”My Alfa” src=”/media/91alfaspider/91alfa0.jpg”

Fancybox 1.3.4

03/16/2017 Now we prefer Magnific-Popup over all. 01/25/2016 Fancybox 1 now is fancyBox2. Due too many script conflict – the old fancybox134 must stand alone for demo. The Fancybox website… Please go here for more information and donate if you like it To install this on WordPress, we need to add all the scripts before the </head>

ShadowBox For WordPress

[shadowbox] 2012-09-23 For users who still use ie (internet explorer) to access your page, make sure to force them to disable (turn off) the compatibility or shadowbox won’t work. Add this to your header.php. <meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”IE=9; IE=8; IE=7; IE=EDGE” /> Shadowbox is a very popular pop up plugin. Some of the options need to be modified for it to work