How I Cooked Pate Chaud

Pate Chaud 30 minutes in 375F Oven

Sometimes I have craving for Pate Chaud, but since the COVID19 Social Distant is in effect, I decided not to go to the store and made them myself, although this was the first time, but with the right recipe, they came out just like or better than the bakery stores themselves. The crust dough is

FasTrak CAV Transponder Malfunctioned Causes Malicious Charges

CAV and Flex Transponders

If you live in the Bay Area, chances are you use 880 and 237 often to go to the East Bay. If you own an EV, now you’re required to use CAV transponder from FasTrak to even use the freeways. So, as good citizens as we are, we ordered them and found out they’re not