
How To Replace WIFI Module On Dell Inspiron 3668

Intel AC7265 in Big Sur macOS

The original WIFI module in Dell Inspiron 3668 was Qualcom which isn’t supported with Big Sur, so I replaced with an Intel AC7265 that came with one of my laptops. This module is supported with correct and it’s working perfectly. We don’t need the bluetooth driver since it’s supported natively.

How To Get Intel WiFi/BlueTooth Modules To Work With Hackintosh

intel AC7260 wifi speed

Most of Windows Laptops are installed with Intel Wifi/Bluetooth modules, the popular ones are AC7260 (2×2) or 3160 (1×1). For Hackintoshes, most of us have to replace with broadcom Wifi/Bluetooth modules to have our hackintoshes WiFi and Bluetooth natively working. had come up with a patch to work with these Intel modules. had been moved