How To Set Up 1TB WD My Cloud

2015-12-26 Updated to the new firmware version v04.04.01-112, everything works very well. ***If the device comes with V3, make sure not to enable auto firmware update, V4 is very buggy – It doesn’t save and re-activate the change in sharing permission – it causes the wifi accessing randomly lost, the dashboard functions don’t do well.***

Embed Youtube Iframe VS HTML5 Test

The website loading is critical for users to access with mobile devices, my websites do have many youtube videos embedded. The new way is iframe embed and the expert do recommend NOT to use. I found another way to embed youtube videos without using the iframe and it’s supposed to load faster. The shows

Embed Youtube Video Iframe VS HTML5

The website loading is critical for users to access with mobile devices, my websites do have many youtube videos embedded. The new way is iframe embed and the expert do recommend NOT to use. I found another way to embed youtube videos without using the iframe and it’s supposed to load faster. The shows