4E0 035 729 A

An Open-Circuit Test On MMI 2G MOST Bus and VCDS Read Out Results

MMI 2G Diagram

Audi MMI 2G & 3G MOST bus is very simple but yet very hard to diagnose which components connected to the bus is faulty due to the serial optical connections. If the system is not thoroughly tested and diagnosed, many good parts can be replaced in the process. This is a simple test just show that an open

Add FBAS To MMI Head Unit 4E0 035 729

FBAS NXP circuit populated

I helped someone to install FBAS on his 4E0 035 729 – 8/17/2016 2013-06-07 Parts needed to add to the board – 4E0 035 729 to make 4E0 035 729 A. All parts should be size 0603 – SMD Capacitors = 7 x 100 nF, 6 x 47 nF, 1 x 10 pF,  1 x