
How I choose and modify my themes

Create Responsive Theme For WordPress With Twenty Ten

In order for the blogs or website to be popular, they must be mobile friendly since mobile devices are on the rise. I’m sure there are many efficient themes for WordPress that support mobile devices, but I like to create a simple one for my blogs using Twenty Ten WordPress theme. This is how I

How To Remove Scripts On Mobile Devices

I use responsive viewport tags for my blogs and they’ve been working every well across all mobile devices. I have a jQuery called imgPreview and it works quite well on Desktops and tablets, but not well on small devices like iPhones, Android Phones, iPod Touches. I created a footer-phone.php to remove all scripts that don’t

Centilium WordPress Theme

I stumbled onto Centilium Theme while looking for a theme that supports mobile devices native. It’s quite a nice theme, although it needs some customization for my websites. Anyhow, I documented all the customization I did on this post for future references.             Features that need to customize: Next/Prev posts:

Author Avatar Picture In WordPress 3.9.X

My aunt asked me to show her picture on her WP blog for author instead of these self generated avatar. After searching on the internet, here is how I did it for her. The code needed in the functions.php of the theme. The code needed in the loop (main) and loop-single (post). <?php echo get_avatar(

Twenty Fourteen Theme Customization

WordPress 3.9 came out and theme Twenty Fourteen came with it. The theme is great, but it does kill many of the mootools and older jqueries scripts that I’ve been using like Mediabox Advance and FancyBox 1.3.4. Anyhow, this is how I modified a Twenty Fourteen Theme. My goal is to have 3 colors on