
all plugins used for this blogs

Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers… WordPress

I never noticed any problems with my WordPress blogs until I created one with Member Access plugin activated and used it to redirect reader to a log-in page. Actually at any pages loaded, the warning would show up on the side bar Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at

Members Plugins For WordPress

There are many members plugins for WordPress, Member Access causes problem with header warning, we use WordPress Access Control, WordPress Users and User Photo for the blog. WordPress Users to display all registered users on a page           User  Photo allows users to upload pictures- the size of the picture can be define in

Multi-page Toolkit Plugin For WordPress

I want to split a long tutorial post into many pages with link titles for easy navigation, let’s try this one. Make sure after installing this plugin, we need to fix the 404 error caused by this plugin. Installation Add the codes in “index.php”. The plugin has short cuts built in tinyMCE editor which makes

List Category Posts Plugin For WordPress

List category posts plugin let us to list the post within the category. Normally we would put the plugin code in the end of post to list the posts within the category. The parameters show options for the codes. So this post will be listed under plugins category, at the end of this post we

SEO Intelligent Tag Cloud Problems

I was testing users with different roles and none of them can get in the profile page to change passwords or edit any posts even they’re “editors”. I thought it was the database problem, but it’s the SEO Intelligent Tag Cloud that caused the problem with users rights. It seems to block everyone except admin