CSS for wordpress

Increase In 404 Pages On… Google Bots

I received multiple “Increase in 404 pages on ‘mywebsite’” messages from Google Search Console after I’ve created new responsive theme for my blogs. I had no idea how to fix, tired of searching the answer without any solutions. I decided to check all my style.css and sure enough, the ones I used on the reported

jQuery lightGallery

[lightgallery] Sometimes I want to embed a gallery inside a bootstrap collapsible paragraph, but Fotorama doesn’t work inside bootstrap collapsible shortcodes. I stumbled into this great jQuery lightGallery and I manage to get it to work inside the bootstrap collapsible shortcodes. To extensively use this lightGallery, you do need support from the owner. I just

Twenty Fourteen Theme Customization

WordPress 3.9 came out and theme Twenty Fourteen came with it. The theme is great, but it does kill many of the mootools and older jqueries scripts that I’ve been using like Mediabox Advance and FancyBox 1.3.4. Anyhow, this is how I modified a Twenty Fourteen Theme. My goal is to have 3 colors on

Working With Z-Index In CSS

In CSS, z-index is the order of appearance of one layer over the other, the higher the z-index the higher priority of the layer above the lower z-index displays. For example, on my theme, I made header to be fixed with z-index:9999 and my shadowbox overlay z-index:999 . So, on a small display like 1024×768,

Page Jumps – Splitting Content

Sometimes I write a very long post and I don’t really want to paginate it, I want to have a list of topics and each topic will jump to the correct content on the same page. This is the way to do it. 1. We need to create IDs for these topics (links) – place