Install Snow Leopard 10.6.8 using retail 10.6.3 DVD with 10.6.8 update combo. Use iboot cd, multibeast 3.9.1, multibeast 4.1.0 Lion, special boot file + PC-EFI 10.6 boot loader or Chameleon RC5-752 for Lion 10.7.0 and 10.7.1. This tutorial is to have a hard drive dedicated for dual booting Snow Leopard 10.6.8 and Lion 10.7.1 without any other OS like Windows or Ubuntu. The best is to remove all other hard drive and just leave this hard drive for the current installation so the chameleon boot loader doesn’t mess up other hard drives boot sector (just a precaution). To install the snow leopard 10.6.3 DVD retail, we need to use “F11”, “F5”, “Tab” key on the key board. “F11” is to enter the “boot priority bios” (it may be different on other motherboards). “F5” is to refresh the DVD drive when exchanging “iboot” cd to “Mac OS X Installation DVD”. “Tab” is to show options for boot in Chameleon when we want to use verbos mode “-v”.
Start to boot the PC from iboot cd, we use 3.1.1, hit F11 to select the boot from CD (iboot 3.1.1)
The screen will come up with 3 icons and default will be “iboot cd”, now we need to remove the iboot cd and place “Mac OS X Installation” 10.6.3 DVD in the drive, wait a few seconds and hit “F5”, we will see the “Mac OS X Installation DVD” icon, move the cursor to it if it’s not already selected and hit enter to boot from the DVD.