
How To Join Apple Ecosystem with Windows Laptops and Desktops

Mac Laptop

The benefit Apple Ecosystem over any other is its server security, the integrated software between Apple devices and family members profiles. We have iPhones, iPads, iPods, Macs and MacWannabe laptops which are in the same system which is great. Instead of buying an Apple hardware MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, I can install Apple macOS onto

macOS Catalina On Supported Windows Laptops and PCs

macOS Catalina

Up to Catalina 15.3, everything seems to be straight forward, but when it comes to the latest Catalina 15.4, it’s quite a hurdle to get it to work. It needs , , to get it to boot. The amazing thing is with these, DSDT and SSDT no longer need to be patched it seemed, everything

macOS Mojave on Windows Laptops

macOS Mojave

macOS Mojave is the best version so far for Mac Wanna Be windows laptops. It did fix many problems that previous versions have. Thanks to all these enthusiasts, , –––, – we can get almost all Intel based CPU laptops running Mojave, just have to have correct Clover – config.plist, latest Lilu.kext, AppleALC.kext, WhateverGreen.kext and

macOS High Sierra 10.3.4 Update on Haswell HD4400

high sierra patcher

The latest macOS High Sierra 10.3.4 update is available for download. The best is to create a new USB installer with the App using High Sierra Patcher version 2.6 (must be for 10.3.4). Update Clover kexts with latest Lilu.kext (1.2.2), IntelGraphicsFixup.kext (1.2.4), Shiki.kext (2.2.3), ALC.kext (1.2.2). This will work for HD4400, HD4600, HD5500. The only

MacOS High Sierra 10.13 On Windows PCs-Laptops

MacOS High Sierra is here today, I downloaded and installed on my external USB drive. It works beautifully with my HP x360 Haswell HD4400 i7-4510u which having problems with the last MacOS Sierra 10.12.6. This tutorial can be used for all Mac OS X and various PCs and Laptops. Before we upgrade to MacOS High