California Curriculum For Our Kids

Sometimes we should know what our children are going to learn from California public schools. We have to do our homework to prepare them. Complete Kindergarten Level Curriculum (oct 2011) Complete First Grade Level Curriculum (oct 2011) Complete Second Grade Level Curriculum (oct 2011) Complete Third Grade Level Curriculum (oct 2011) Complete Fourth Grade Level

California Math Problems For Our Kids To Practice

We do have homework like our kids every day. We prepare ourselves to tutor our kids every evening after dinner. It was nice of our sister (who’s a teacher now) to give some tips for our kids education. These are the math problems for our kids to practice. California math practice standard for grade 1-8.

Halloween In Our Ardenwood Home

It’s Halloween again in Ardenwood, this year our neighbor decorated as scary as always. The boys and girls grew so big and tall now. The kids from all over the place and tons of them, more than last year.  We had 3 bags of candy with 200 each and they’re all gone, WOW, it was