
Ardenwood Elementary 4th Grade Cloverleaf Bowling Field Trip

All 4th graders at Ardenwood Elementary went bowling at Cloverleaf Family Bowl on Monday. Mrs. Hinkley class was included. It was a great fun for the kids. I was there. I’m glad that they have fun on the last week of school year.

Surgical Machine That Removes Cholesterol Plaques

These days, every time we go to the doctor to get check-up, cholesterol always seems to be the concern above all. I couldn’t believe they designed a new surgical machine that can remove cholesterol blockages.  Hope this will work in real life.

Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum Field Trip 6th Graders

Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum

I had another opportunity to chaperone my daughter 6th grade field trip to Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum in San Jose today. Mrs. Schlobolme had planned very healthy games for the kids after lunch, it was great to see them happy participating… Truly the young and the restless.

Parents Visiting Day At Ardenwood Elementary

[bs] Every year, there are a few days called “open house” for parents to visit the class room where their children study and meet the teachers. We never missed any of them. Yesterday we went to visit Ardenwood Elementary again. It’s nice to see and meet other kids with their parent(s) in the same class

Ardenwood Elementary 4th Grade Field Trip: Intel Museum

Intel Museum

I’ve learned so much chaperoning Ardenwood Elementary field trips. This time, we went to Intel Museum in Santa Clara. It’s Mrs. Hinkley 4th grade class. I remembered all the Intel CPU’s based computers I built in the last 20 years. The worst thing is I didn’t even know this museum exists living in Silicon Valley.