Growing With Our Children

children make us grow up

BranCena’s 10th Birthday

Brandon’s nick name is officially changed to BranCena (inspired by John Cena for some reasons). This year, we did make a bigger party for him since his 1st birthday. Yes, it took lot of work to prepare for food and clean up, but as long as BranCena is happy, we’re happy. 

Chef Audie’s Gourmet Burgers

Audie always wants to try something new, even in cooking. On the weekend, she prepared special burgers for the family to try… they’re tasty and Brandon liked it a lot.

Bumper Cars In Great America

bumper cars in great america

Last year we went to Great America and everyone seemed to like bumper cars. It’s fun for the whole family.

Duck Soup For Vermicelli or Porridge

Costco sells big and meaty ducks for $2.99/pound and we love cooking soup with them. Boiled duck meat sometimes very mushy, not solid after being boiled for a long time. The best is to cook with low heat so the skin won’t break and the meat is mushy. But the most important part to get