After 11 years, my 2006 A8L Varta original battery 4E0 915 105 A 850CCA died over a few weeks and it no longer held charge. I bought a battery from Walmart EverStart Maxx H8 with 900CCA to replace it. The H8 is the same size as group 49 which is smaller than the original Varta 95R/H9. It’s actually 1.5″ shorter but other dimensions are the same. When the battery no longer holds charge, the battery charging indicator will show 0% instead of 100%. According to Audi, after a new battery is installed, we must re-code the battery energy management system to accept a new battery with serial number but we need VCDS to do it. For those who don’t have the $349 VCDS, the battery will be learned by the system and charge accordingly. People believe if we don’t re-code the battery, the battery won’t last as long. So, after I replaced the battery, the charging indicator showed 20% charging, but after driving about 10 miles, it went up to 70%, left overnight it became 100%, so the system is really working without re-coding. Since I have the VCDS, I’ll re-code.
- Q7 Battery Died and Re-Charged
- Goodbye My Wonderful 2006 A8L
- What you should/must know about Audi Electrical System