Audie 14th Birthday idog | February 2, 2018 | 106 views Time flies, Audie is 14 already… Wow. It’s nice to have friends and family to celebrate with. Birthday Cake With Mommy and Brancena Mommy and Brancena Cousins and Mommy Aunts and Uncles New VANS Shoes Oysters and Sashimi More Sashimi Crabs and Crawfishes Chinese plate Briskets noodles Desserts Walkin to school with new VANS Daddy Croquettes Mommy’s dabbing School friends School friends Nice Friends Enjoy friends Friends Friends lighting up cake mommy again Brancena and the girls lighting up candles make a wish with mommy with mommy Shanghai NoodlesHow I Cook Japanese RamenHow I made Prime RibChef Audie Best Chicken BBQChả Cá Thăng Long (Cali) – Stir-Fried Fish Fillets