Ta Restaurant In Milpitas, CA

2013-06-18 We went back to the restaurant for a family dinner and everything changed, the food that we used to like were no longer taste the same, either the chef had been replaced or the new recipes are no good. We’re not going back there again, it was a big disappointment.

It was our 9th anniversary and we decided to re-visit Ta restaurant in Milpitas, CA for a nice family dinner. We went here twice before for some special occasions, we like Xanh restaurant in Mountain View, but it’s a little out of our way. At 6:30PM on a Thursday evening, the whole restaurant only had 2 families (including us), the place was sadly empty, but very nice as usual. We wondered how they’ve been holding up all this time with the business we’ve seen every time we came.

I think the restaurant is a very good restaurant in a wrong location. It’s in the corner of a not very nice shopping center (Indian Supermarket and a few Vietnamese family restaurants). The atmosphere and the decor are very nice inside. The service is excellent and the food is very tasty. We and our kids like the food here. Chef Audie approved all the dishes she’s tasted (she likes Thai icetee and she gets free refills) and her help Brando (he likes regular icetee and he also gets free refills) also agreed. It this restaurant is in the new Auto mall area with the 5 guys or Chef Chang, it will do well, more exposure to upper clienteles.

The prices are very reasonable with the high costs on all restaurants these days. Most of our dishes are under $10 and the portions now are a little more than before (the last 2 times were very skimpy). Tasty food, great service, nice atmosphere, and the kids love it, that will bring us back for more. May be our tastes are easy to please.

food     Sesame chicken wings

Lemongrass Pork Chops     basil beef

We ordered the Ta salad every time, it’s very tasty and different.

everyone enjoyed     Happy after the meal

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